Sunday, September 04, 2005

Dave Miscavige

I have to say I am so impressed by Mr. David Miscavige and the humanitarian work he does every day.

The Scientology religion is dedicated to helping others. Mr. Miscavige and the Sea Organization and Churches of Scientology and their staff are selfless in their dedication to doing something to improving society.

I know this can seem unreal in an age where everywhere you turn people are just in it for themselves, but there are some true humanitarians and humanitarian efforts and when they come on the scene people do support them. Just look at the impact Live8 had last summer.

Well, Scientology is one such movement. It's taken a bad rap on the Internet, but maybe that's because we step on some vested interests toes (how much income would Eli Lilly lose if the $1,000,000 they "donated" in SSRIs for the victims of the most recent disaster went unused because people had real and effective solutions they could use to rebuild their lives instead of pharma to forget about it).

Scientology Volunteer Ministers are down in shelters working 20-hour shifts to help the Katrina refugees, and they are in the streets of New Orleans looking for survivors, and helping in any way they can.

This is the kind of selfless action Mr. Miscavige inspires, and that's why I admire him, and others like him, who have not sold out to the materialism of the 21st Century.


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